How to mount an ISO image in SUN Solaris

In Sun Solaris, we can use the Loopback File driver to mount an ISO image without having to write the ISO image onto a CD or DVD.

Following procedure should help you mount an ISO image in Sun Solaris

Attach a Block Device

sunsolaris# lofiadm -a /export/software/iso_image.iso

Mount the ISO Image block device

sunsolaris# mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/1 /mnt

Where /mnt is the mount point.

This should mount the ISO image.

To confirm, change directory to /mnt and do a “ls” to lis the files

sunsolaris# cd /mnt

sunsolaris# ls

if at anytime, you want to look at these block devices simply type “lofiadm” command with no arguement.

sunsolaris# lofiadm
Block Device File
/dev/lofi/1 /export/software/iso_image.iso

When we are done with the files on the mounted ISO, we can unmount and detach the Block device we attached earlier:

sunsolaris# umount /mnt

sunsolaris# lofiadm -d /dev/lofi/1

For instructions on how to mount an ISO image in Linux, click here

3 thoughts on “How to mount an ISO image in SUN Solaris”

  1. Hey I am getting this error and not for sure what’s the problem – Any help would be appreciated
    # lofiadm
    Block Device File Options
    /dev/lofi/1 /path/to/iso –

    # mount -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
    mount: /dev/lofi/1 no such device

  2. Hey I am getting this error and not for sure what’s the problem – Any help would be appreciated
    # lofiadm
    Block Device File Options
    /dev/lofi/1 /path/to/iso –

    # mount -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
    mount: /dev/lofi/1 no such device

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